The Culinary Health Centers will be closed January 20 for Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
The Culinary Pharmacies will be closed January 20 for Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
Customer Service will be closed January 20 for Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

Chiropractic Care

We understand that your work can be hard on your body. That’s why we cover chiropractic care. A chiropractor may help take away your pain and help you feel better.

What can a chiropractor help me with?

A chiropractor can help you with:

Where do I go for chiropractic care?

You can go to any in-network PPO chiropractor. We only pay for services from an in-network PPO chiropractor.

How much will it cost?

At the Culinary Health Centers At an in-network provider
Per visit No copay $15 copay, then we pay 100% of the remaining allowable charges.
X-rays No copay $30 copay per visit, then we pay 100% of the remaining allowable charges.

Some covered services are:

Some non-covered services are:

We only cover some chiropractic services. Please be sure to check which services we cover before you get care. You pay for all of the costs for any non-covered services you receive.